
It all starts with the perfect canvas, so start here to learn how to lighten your hair like a pro.

How to Lighten Your Hair for Semi-Permanent Color

Lightening 101: How many GDY Lightening Kits do I need?

Lightening 101: What Is Bleach?

So you want to dye your hair.  If your goal is vibrant color, you're most likely going to need to lighten your hair. So let's talk about bleach!

Why Use 25 Volume Developer?

25 volume is the perfect in-between when it comes to developer volumes. Our GDY Lightening Kit can lift safely lift your hair 4-5 levels while soy protein strengthens your hair.

Everything you need to Bleach your Hair at Home

We’ve broken down all the tools you’ll need, plus tips and tricks to get the best results! Check out our complete list of tools you’ll need to dye your hair at home like a pro. 

What is Developer?

Developer, what the heck is that? Besides being the liquid that you mix with your bleach to lighten your hair. Also, why are there so many different volumes of it, and why did we choose the volume that we did for our Lightning kit?

Lightening 101: What you should know before you bleach

So you want to dye your hair.  If your goal is vibrant color, you're most likely going to need to lighten your hair. So let's talk about bleach!

Lightening 101: 5 Tips for the Best Results

We’ve compiled some of our most commonly asked questions about bleaching your hair and answered them for ya, all in one place!

What Volume of Developer is Best?

Why did we at GDY choose 25 volume developer for our best-selling lightening kit? It’s powerful enough to lift 4-5 levels without damaging your hair. 

What Level is My Hair?

How to Get the Best Results when Bleaching your Hair

We’ve compiled some of our most commonly asked questions about bleaching your hair and answered them for ya, all in one place! 

Developer 101: What is Developer and How Does it Work?

Developer opens the cuticle of the hair and activates the bleach so that it can lift pigments from the hair. The stronger the developer, the faster it opens the cuticle of the hair.